The Function of "Lo Shartiyeh" in Quranic Spatial Constructions Based on the Theory of Conceptual Fusion

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD Student, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sina University


Illustration of mental and tangible concepts and sensing spiritual matters in the form of objective phenomena, the Holy Quran can be seen everywhere. Most of these visualizations were through the mental atmosphere and the most key concepts of the Quran that plays a crucial role in introducing the Islamic worldview and understanding of religious teachings were shown through this space by God. One of the most important tools has used for this situation is the letter, Lu. The letter Lu has various meanings and uses that have combined two or more spaces to provide a specific meaning. Finally, it has created a new image and achieved thinkable results. For this reason, the authors have studied this group of verses with a descriptive-analytical method, based on the model of "four mental spaces of Foucault and Turner" in this study and have investigated the function of these verses. According to the perceptual experience of the audience, God Almighty in these verses puts different emerging meanings and concepts by creating different spaces and combining them. Therefore, the various concepts he intends to It has made the audience understandable and called their minds to reflect on them to gradually reach the Quranic worldview and moral teachings, rules, and beliefs.


Main Subjects

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