Complex Construction of Persian Language as Macro Event Phrases

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Shahrood University of Technology


In Persian, like other languages, there are constructions in which two or more verbal predicates form a "single event". These constructions have been the subject of many linguistic researches and they are mainly interpreted as serial verbs, converbs, double verbs, etc. In the current research, all the mentioned constructions have been introduced under the general title of "complex constructions" and an attempt has been made to discuss the syntactic and semantic dimensions of these constructions. In order to achieve this goal, some basics of Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) such as "layered structure of the clause", "juncture-nexus relations" and "interclausal relations hierarchy" were used. The findings show that based on the semantics of the main predicate, complex constructions in Persian are placed in two categories: manner constructions and phase constructions, and syntactically, they appear in the form of nuclear and core juncture, and they have a linkage of cosubordination. In addition, based on the "Core-MEP theory", it was proved that complex constructions in Persian language have a MEP (macro-event property) and as a result, they are considered a macro-event phrase. 


Main Subjects

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