Nominalization as Grammatical Metaphors in the TOEFL Listening Module: A Systemic Functional Grammar

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Linguistics Faculty. Tarbiat Modares University.

2 Linguistics Department, Allameh Tabatabai University

3 Linguistics Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University. Teheran

4 Associate Professor Department of Linguistics Tarbiat Modarres University



The present study described and analyzed nominalization as Grammatical Metaphors in the TOEFL official text books. The data were collected by a documentary and library research method, and analyzed with a qualitative content analysis method. In this regard, we selected the listening module of three books, including fourteen tests. In the next step, we analyzed the clauses of 84 texts in the form of conversation and lecture. First, each clause of these texts was separately examined. Then, nominalization as Grammatical Metaphors were compared and analyzed in terms of type and frequency. The results indicated that: 1. A total of 1906 Grammatical Metaphors of nominalization were identified. There was a higher frequency of nominalization in lecture texts (79%) than the texts of conversations (21%). 2. De-verbal nominalization had a frequency of 1753 cases equal to 92%, and only 8% of the total frequency were found for de-adjectival nominalization.


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