polysemy in the lexicon of the holy Quran based on cognitive lexical semantic approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 master

2 master of Kordestan university, Linguistics department

3 faculty member at UOK


Polysemy is an event in which one lexeme is related to two or more senses. The polysemous words in Quran include more than one sense. The aim of the study is the linguistic interpreting of polysemy and representing reasons for various translations, and interpretations in Quran. Based on descriptive-analytical method and cognitive lexical semantic approach on the basis of Brugman and Lakoff thesis (1998), the authors have investigated various senses of 14 polysemous words of Quran. It was concluded that some senses organized related to a prototype; so that, the polysemous words include a central sense, prototype, located in the center and the peripheral senses far from the prototype caused by metaphoric expansion. Proving the existence of the polysemy in Quran, the interpreters can accept various interpretations presented for the verse; or will select just one as the superior one.


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