Forms of Rationality and Ethics in the "Presentist" Worldview from Today to Khayyam

Document Type : Research Paper


French Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, IRAN


In 1995, a French historian François Hartog introduced two new terms in the vocabulary of history and sociology: “Regime of Historicity” and “Presentism”. According to his thesis, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, which symbolizes the end of opposition between Eastern and Western blocs, achieves the transition of human societies from the old futuristic and utopist vision of history towards a “presentist” regime of historicity. Beyond this specific sociological and historical signification, the term “Presentism” has, for Iranian culture, a Khayyamian resonance: it evokes Khayyam’s hedonistic doctrine, his Carpe diem. This elementary observation provides the base of some “Comparative Epistemology”, which respectively looks into the clarification of the “rationalities” of European and Khayyamian presentisms. If the behaviors of different individuals and societies in the presentist world obey the type of their rationality, any question about the presentist rationality aims directly at the presentist ethics.


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