A study of the glottal wave of liquid consonant /r/ in Persian Language

Document Type : Research Paper


Isfahan University


This study aims at observing the glottal wave of the liquid consonant /r/ in Persian language. For this end, the voices of 10 speakers were first recorded using EGG and Speech Studio, Praat, EGG Works, the closed stage of each period was measured. The findings show that the closed quotient of the glottal wave /r/ decreases at the beginning of a word, between two words, and also before and after voiced consonants. /r/ is articulated in a flapped way between two vowels and also at the end of a word after voiced and voiceless consonants and in the middle of a word before voiceless consonants and at the end of a word after vowels becomes devoice. The manner of articulation of this consonant at the end of word and after voiced and voiceless consonants becomes fricative. Also, in all utterances of /r/ there is a difference between men and women.


Main Subjects

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